"What some bots call 'paranoia,' I call being prepared." When Alpha Trizer sends GINRAI to the G1 World to apprehend Microzarak, the Knight meets his counterpart from another world! When these two hot-headed GINRAIs unite, evil will be utterly vanquished! #Transformers #Maccadam
(ギゴガゴ…) バトルトラップ 「布陣は揃った…後はリーダーのスカージが来るのを待つだけだ」 ナイトバード 「アタシたちで精一杯歓迎してあげないとねえ」 #トランスフォーマー #オモ写 #Transformers
#皆でトランスフォーマーを盛り上げよう #皆でトランスフォーマーを楽しもう #夜のフィギュア撮影会 #トランスフォーマー #Transformers #ビースト覚醒 #TransformersRiseofTheBeast #トランスフォーマービースト覚醒 【ねぇ、ちょっと待って! 早まらないでアミーg…⁉︎💥🦏】
#LEGO #レゴロボ #transformers 拙作LEGO可変戦闘機WEDGEが完成10周年みたいです。 (当時写真再掲) 現在のパーツやビルド知識で作り直したらよくなるでしょうかねー
Alright, let's do this! Join me for a 38-minute #Transformers special review on Haslab UNICRON and his various other incarnations! Things get ugly. PREMIERING NOW 👇👇👇youtu.be/S3BFwkWEXiw
トランスフォーマービースト覚醒の公開にあわせ、 レゴでオプティマスプライムを作りました。 差し替え無しの完全変形です。 #トランスフォーマー #transformers #トランスフォーマービースト覚醒 #レゴロボ #lego
"Chaos is what makes the world go around." En route back to Cybertron, SCOWL is thrown through a portal, ending up on an alternate Earth. Now on his own, SCOWL teams up with this world's younger Dinobots in order to forge a new generation of chaos-makers! #Transformers #Maccadam
#LEGO #transformers #レゴロボ 車から完全変形するレゴロボ組んでみた(調整その4) ①ロボ胸周りの厚み調整→頭部とのバランスを最適化 ②手首可動追加!更にポージングの表情付けができるように! ③車体内部に折り畳み式の銃を格納→コレで余剰パーツなくなったーヤッター
"A job that keeps me fully focused is a good job." Following the Great War's end, DEVILBAT took up Doubledealer's offer to join his growing band of Mercenaries. DEVILBAT now finds a new purpose in performing swift, efficient kills for the highest bidder! #Transformers #Maccadam
本日発売スタジオシリーズ3種海外版レビューしてます! #Transformers #トランスフォーマー #ビースト覚醒 エアレイザー chohenken.com/2023/03/15/stu… アーシー chohenken.com/2023/03/21/stu… テラーコンフリーザー chohenken.com/2023/05/14/stu…
"One's path to redemption can be long, but fruitful." The 'Bot known as DRIFT used to be one who reveled in the chaos spread in the cosmos. But after a chance encounter with Skyfire changed his views, DRIFT now uses his triple-changing skills for good! #Transformers #Maccadam
"Looking good is what life is all about." Noticing the convergence of key realities, the Convoy of BT World sends TRACKS out to investigate! Although he finds his yellow disguise mediocre, TRACKS remains dedicated to saving all of reality from collapsing! #Transformers #Maccadam
"Prepare for oblivion!" Formerly a typical member of Jhiaxus' forces, this Cybertronian was modified by Starscream to resemble the look of the mighty MEGATRON. Although he serves as Starscream's punching bag, MEGATRON's still a force to be reckoned with! #Transformers #Maccadam
"Eventually, everyone wants to fight back." Brought to the brink of humiliation during his forced Powermaster stint, STARSCREAM snaps. Breaking off from the Decepticons & allying with Jhiaxus, the evolved STARSCREAM declares that the MACHINE WARS begin! #Transformers #Maccadam
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