MiKaela lost her hat but she’s still streaming! Twitch.tv/WahKeke #cosplay #mikaeladbd #mikaelareid #DeadbyDaylight #intothefog
Here's a couple of shots of the #MikaelaReid props my wife made for me! The necklace and hat ears were 3d printed. She used an opal for the gemstone. Thank you wifey!! #dbd #cosplay #3dprinting #DeadbyDaylgiht #DeadbyDaylightfanart
Closet #cosplay stream! Didn't get to get the hoodie done in time, so... anyway! More #HookedOnYou tonight! Can we find love....or will we die trying? twitch.tv/starlitcreatio… #twitch #twitchaffiliate #smallstreamer #gamergirl #mikaelareid #DBD
Just made Mikaela Reid Lazy Pajamas Purple hoodie. Makes me want to dye my hair red and do a cosplay stream. 😅 …iddx-merchie-merch.creator-spring.com/listing/dbd-mi… #DeadbyDaylight #mikaelareid #streamer #cosplay
Here some portraits of girls for you all <3 #dbd #deadbydaylight #mikaelareid #theArtist #carminamora
Waiting on the shorts, and I still have to find my necklaces, but I'm starting the paint for the sweatshirt tonight! #MikaelaReid #DeadByDaylight #DBD #cosplay #dbdcosplay
No I think the devs have raided my wardrobe too! Stream in 2 hours! #mikaelareid #cosplay #deadbydaylight #thewitch
Hope I did her some justice. 🖤🧡 #DeadByDaylight #HouroftheWitch #MikaelaReid #DBD #DBDCosplay #Cosplay #smallstreamer #gamergirl #MikaelaReidCosplay
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