Had a great time marching this morning with the infamous BSG slingshot in the #DragonCon parade! #DragonCon2022 #battlestargalactica #bsg #cosplay
This is my other/modern/reboot BSG Viper Pilot flightsuit costume. #bsg #BattlestarGalactica #cosplay #cosplayer #StarWars #Firefly #DoctorWho #StarTrek #torchwood #whovian #BigBangTheory #marvelcomics #dccomics #disney #Disneyland #captainEO #LGBTQ #Crossplay #closetcosplay
Something a little different! Getting ready to head to pre-judging for the Bunny Hutch at #DragonCon2022 in my #battlestargalactica bunny cosplay! I think I “Boomer’d” it pretty well, don’t you? #cosplay #bsg #cyclon #frakkingtoaster
Working on a custom/closet cosplay classic BSG Colonial Warrior look. I'll def hafta ditch the collar/turtleneck part though. LOL. More to come! #bsg #battlestargalactica #scifi #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #starbuck #apollo #adama #bsgcosplay #battlestargalacticacosplay
Breaking! The original Battlestar Galactica (Circa 1978ish) is on @Tubi !!! 200X BSG is on @peacockTV! I got some sweet BSG patches today. more on my IG! #bsg #battlestargalactica #starbuck #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cylons #bsgcosplay #battlestargalacticacosplay
You'll forgive me, Madame President, if I don't wish to be executed based solely on your gut feeling... BSG is on @peacockTV! #cylon #apollo #gaiusbaltar #bsg #battlestargalactica #starbuck #cosplay #cosplayer #cylons #bsgcosplay #LGBT #gaius #battlestargalacticacosplay
My hairline might be a bit farther back... But, I think I could do a Dr. Gaius Baltar look. Catch up on BSG via @peacockTV! #cylon #apollo #gaiusbaltar #bsg #battlestargalactica #starbuck #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cylons #bsgcosplay #LGBT #battlestargalacticacosplay
'Retaking Caprica' Be sure to catch up on BSG on @peacockTV before the reboot! #cylon #apollo #leeadama #bsg #battlestargalactica #starbuck #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cylons #syfy #scifi #scifilove #scifiart #bsg2004 #bsgcosplay #LGBT #battlestargalacticacosplay
More from Galactica! Be sure to catch up on BSG on @peacockTV before the reboot! #cylon #apollo #leeadama #bsg #battlestargalactica #starbuck #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cylons #syfy #scifi #scifilove #scifiart #bsg2004 #bsgcosplay #LGBT #battlestargalacticacosplay
'Cylon Invasion' featuring Cylon Starbuck(s)-(Kara Thrace version). Catch BSG on @peacockTV #cylon #bsg #battlestargalactica #starbuck #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cylons #syfy #scifi #scifilove #scifiart #bsg2004 #bsgcosplay #LGBT #battlestargalacticacosplay
But wait... what if I am a Cylon? Apollo and Starbuck (female versions) as Cylons. Catch BSG on @peacockTV #bsg #battlestargalactica #starbuck #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cylons #syfy #scifi #scifilove #scifiart #bsg2004 #bsgcosplay #LGBT #battlestargalacticacosplay
You're not a Cylon, are you? Catch BSG on @peacockTV #bsg #battlestargalactica #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #starbuck #kateesackhoff #cylons #syfy #scifi #scifilove #scifiart #battlestargalacticacosplay #karathrace #bsgcosplay
Cylons beware! Catch BSG on @peacockTV #bsg #battlestargalactica #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #starbuck #apollo #adama #cylons #syfy #scifi #scifilove #scifiart #battlestargalacticacosplay #willadama #bsgcosplay
Apollo and 2 different genders of Starbuck. BSG is on @peacockTV !! #bsg #battlestargalactica #syfy #scifi #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #starbucks #starbuck #apollo #adama #Obama #syfy #bsgcosplsy #battlestargalacticacosplay #karathrace @kateesackhoff #kateesackhoff
Here's a side-by-side with a replica prop. 40 bucks vs less than 5. LOL 😆 These are my 1st attempt and they'll be far away anyway. Gonna tweak a bit, but I think these will work. BSG is on @peacockTV !! #bsg #battlestargalactica #syfy #scifi #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer
An intentionally blurry pic of my first attempt at hand-painted BSG 2004 dog tags. (Imperfect and blurry cuz they'll be far away anyway). I think these will work. Oh, and BSG is on @peacockTV !! #bsg #battlestargalactica #syfy #scifi #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer
BSG is on @peacockTV !! I'm so excited! Also, I have some hexagonal jewelry coming (hopefully in the morning) for a more proper dog tag. And I will add boots, a holster, etc. too (eventually). #bsg #battlestargalactica #syfy #scifi #closetcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer
Speaking of BSG... is it on something? A streaming service, i mean. I'm too lazy to research it right now but if anybody knows... LOL 😂 This is another 'proof of concept' costume with more to be done. #bsg #battlestargalactica #syfy #scifi #StarTrekPicard #cosplay #cosplayer
Another sci-fi series that I really enjoyed was Battlestar Galactica. Both eras, but especially the reboot. This is another 'proof of concept' costume in its infancy with a fair amount more to be done. #bsg #battlestargalactica #syfy #scifi #StarTrekPicard #cosplay #cosplayer
Glorious sunshine at a Comicon in the UK in October 2013 with my fellow #cylon centurion (those older models still have their uses 😉) #BattlestarGalactica #bsg #battlestargalactica #cylonsix #cosplay #throwbackthursdays #TBThursday #ThrowbackThursday
Whoah! Has it really been 6 years? 😳 まじで!本当に6年が経ったのかい?😳 #bsg #BattlestarGalactica #Starbuck #KaraThrace #cosplay #cosplayer #コスプレ #コスプレイヤー #宇宙空母ギャラクティカ #カラ・スレイス @kateesackhoff @theaarondouglas
A Cylon Centurian and Viper Pilot seen at MegaCon Birmingham. #cosplay #cosplayer #megacon #megaconlive #megaconbirmingham #megaconcosplay #cylon #cyloncosplay #battlestargalactica #bsg #battlestargalacticacosplay #bsgcosplay
A Cylon Centurion on patrol at MegaCon in Birmingham. #cosplay #cosplayer #megacon #megaconlive #megaconbirmingham #megaconcosplay #cylon #cyloncosplay #battlestargalactica #bsg #battlestargalacticacosplay #bsgcosplay
Nine years ago today Hullywood comicon event in my first six red dress costume. #tbt #throwbackthursday #bsg #battlestargalactica #cylonsix #cosplay
My favourite photo from today 😁✨ 今日の一番好きな写真なんだよ😁✨ #cosplay #BSG #BattlestarGalactica #robotrestaurant #コスプレ #ロボットレストラン
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