Sylvanas Windrunner World of Warcraft Cosplay made by me Photographer: @___sixtus___ Colossalcon 2022 Bow 3D printed by @LeahLux_ Rest of cosplay made by me #sylvanaswindrunner #sylvanas #worldofwarcraft #BlizzardEntertainment #cosplay #cosplayarmor
Sylvanas Windrunner World of Warcraft Cosplay made by me Photographer: @___sixtus___ C2E2 2021 Bow 3D printed by @LeahLux_ No time to make a Diablo cosplay for today's release, unfortunately. #sylvanaswindrunner #worldofwarcraft #Blizzard #BlizzardEntertainment #cosplay
My Wizard has 3 rolls on her belt and one of them I actually wrote on to make it authentic and a cool prop for shoots Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #diablo #diablocosplay #diablo3 #diablo3cosplay #blizzard #blizzardcosplay #blizzardentertainment #mage #wizard #wizardcosplay
Fun fact the book I'm holding in the pictures is the official book of cain with a fake leather envelope to make it look like the book the wizard has ingame Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #diablo #diablocosplay #diablo3 #diablo3cosplay #blizzard #blizzardcosplay #blizzardentertainment
Studying the Arcane arts. Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #costume #diablo #diablocosplay #diablo3 #diablo3cosplay #blizzard #blizzardcosplay #blizzardentertainment #mage #wizard #wizardcosplay #armor #armorcosplay #cosplayarmor #foam #foamarmor #foamsmith
Throwback to #Katsucon! Won't be there this year, but if you're going, please have fun and stay safe! Series: #Overwatch Character: #BrigitteLindholm Cosplayer: @Arorea #BlizzardEntertainment #CosplayPhotography #Cosplay #Katsu
Throwback to #Katsucon! Won't be there this year, but if you're going, please have fun and stay safe! Series: #Overwatch Character: #Tracer Cosplayer: @bindismalls #BlizzardEntertainment #CosplayPhotography #Cosplay #Katsu
Do the people want more draenei cosplay? #cosplay #worldofwarcraft #draenei #wowcosplay #blizzardentertainment
Shooting Alexstrasza in this location was an amazing experience! #blizzard #wow #worldofwarcraft #blizzardentertainment #blizzardgames #blizzardcosplay #alexstrasza #alexstraszacosplay #alexstraszathelifebinder #worldofwarcraftcosplay #foam #worbla #armorcosplay #armorcosplay
Ein wenig Overwatch kann ja auch nicht schaden🤧 Brigitte: queen.namii(IG) #overwatch #overwatchcosplay #brigittelindholm #brigittelindholmcosplay #blizzardgames #blizzardentertainment #cosplayphotoshoot #cosplay
G.G.~! ₍ᐢ.ˬ.⑅ᐢ₎ Have a great Tuesday everyone! Is Overwatch really dying?#cosplay #overwatch #blizzardentertainment #dva
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