#Bettelful cosplay / Gavis Bettel So many photos are waiting for me, I want to cry😵 photo / R州
Holostars shoot today!! I'm so glad I got to finish this Betsy cos on time lmaooo fun fun shoot but my whole body hurts so bad I need sleep HAHAHAHHAHA #Bettelful
Holostars/Tempus represent! Debuting our Bettel & Hakka cosplay at #närconsommar2023 🌟 More pics in comment! 🎩 @phinaphin 🔅 @OfficialBakasos #Bettelful #Bettelion #PIHAKKASSO #Hakkitos #gavisbettelcosplay #banzoinhakkacosplay
Went to #AstraTempora yesterday!! Had so much fun yeyyy they way I laughed so much when they handed me the clown nose help it's perfect HAHAHAHHAAH #Bettelful
#Bettelful cosplay / Gavis Bettel I actually brought an alcoholic drink with me for the shoot but I drank it all before the shoot because it was so hot😵💫 photo / 謝坤峻
POV: You got on the bus and the tempus bois greet you 😏💕 Let’s just say Shinri took the pic hehe #FlayonsCrayons #Bettelful #ArtXel #WorkofAlt #PIHAKKASSO #MagniOpus #VespART #holoTEMPUS
With da boissssss!!! #FlayonsCrayons #Bettelful #ArtXel #WorkofAlt #PIHAKKASSO #MagniOpus #VespART #holoTEMPUS
A little teaser before I post the whole set! I actually made 7/8 so far! This is another way of me pouring my love for them with my own art! WIGS!!! I love them so much 🥹💕 We will be using these tomorrow for ACX! 💕 #FlayonsCrayons #Bettelful #ArtXel #WorkofAlt #PIHAKKASSO
More photo of the wig plus fitting the valentines cos and the wig to see jow they look when put together lezgoooo (not me cramming for this weekend con lmaooo) #Bettelful
Made me a new Betsy wig!! And this time one base wig with interchangeable bangs so I can do the valentines one too!! Gotta do it for the forehead yes! #Bettelful twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🎩COSPLAY Gavis bettel /Holostars EN/ Holo Tempus really love this costume desigh by sensaki mama🙏 #Bettelful
Happy borth Gorgeous Brownies!!! Thank you for being with us! Hoping you (and bettel 2) have a wonderful birthday! To more brain damage lezgooooo!! 💜 Finally used the onesie for betsy!! #Bettelful #BettelBash2023
Went as Betsy Grayson for @OnliveConPH !! (We tried to do an edgy fem Tempurple but I really just went random bullshit go and pray it works lmaoo) Got some nice photos from @RBZ_Visuals 💜 #Bettelful
Tempurple Besties for s4o hope to cos them again!!! FAV TUBAS FR FR💜 Magni 🪬: @hitamine3312 Hakka 🔅: @_lemonadefrog Bettel 🎩: me! #MagniOpus #PIHAKKASO #Bettelful
tempurple gang!! was fun fooling around together as these 3 hehe 💜 i tried to do the chad face in the heart pic but my knee was dying so it just looks like i’m in pain help 💜🧤🎩☀️💜 #PIHAKKASSO #MagniOpus #Bettelful
A liddle cos of a certain jesticle jester for S4O wt tempurple gang!!! ✨🤡✨ #Bettelion #Bettelful #holotempus
Congrats on 100k my kamioshi 🤡🦆🎩💜 A true entertainer through and through, max luck means we're the lucky ones to be able to witness your faulty yet endearing performance. As promised from the supa, here's the cosplay photo! Hope you likey 👌 #gavisbettelcosplay #Bettelful
Happy 100k Betsy yeyy!! Congrats!! 💕 Also went as maid Betsy for today's con!! Made Tom a smol maid headband to matchy with me (which I think he is the best part of this cosplay lol a cutie!) #Bettelful
Jester for Valentine's I guess 🍅🍅🍅 Still not done making his cos but did a little trial to test the wig! #Bettelful
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