You won't believe this, but #mandalorians give the BEST Head scritches ever! They should be paid for them, I almost purred!! #murphysplushtrips #murphysplush #Amigurumi #Yarncosplay #Bobbafett #Starwars #Mandalorian #SDCC2022
This very smart lady has found a solution for her boyfriend to see #SDCC2022 without a badge! #murphysplushtrips #murphysplush #cosplay #yarncrafts #yarncosplay #amigurumi #bigbangtheory
The one team of demon hunters who don't start apocalypses while stopping another one. They rock! (Don't tell Dean I said this!) #murphysplushtrips #murphysplush #Amigurumi #yarncrafts #yarncosplay #castielcosplay #dresdenfilescosplay #SDCC2022
The beautiful and ethereal #Sailorcosmos came to pay a visit! I feel heavenly in her arms! #murphysplushtrips #murphysplush #Amigurumi #yarncraft #yarncosplay #sailormoon #sailormooncosplay #castielcosplay #Sdcc2022
I don't think this #velociraptor will eat me! #Blue is a good girl! #murphysplushtrips #murphysplush #amigurumi #yarncraft #castielcosplay #yarncosplay #JurassicPark #sdcc2022
Yep, Dolores! I can tell you a lot of secrets from my country! From all countries! Now, listen carefully! #Murphysplushtrips #Murphysplush #SDCC2022 #Encanto #cosplay #yarncraft #amigurumi #yarncosplay #doloresmadrigal #castielcosplay
#Mrknight and I are chilling at the #Sdcc2022 today, staying away from Dr,Harrow and meanie Khonshu! #murphysplush #murphysplushtrips #amigurumi #yarncraft #spncosplay #yarncosplay #castielcosplay
Let's start July with a big blue sky! #murphysplushtrips, #murphysplush #amigurumi #yarncraft #yarncosplay #castielcosplay
We celebrated #pride🌈 being safe and sound! #happypride🏳️🌈 and stay safe! #murphysplushtrips #murphysplush #amigurumi #yarncraft #spncosplay #castielcosplay #yarncosplay
Nothing is better than an iced tea after a long day in #cosplay! #murphysplushtrips #murphysplush #amigurumi #yarncraft #castielcosplay #yarncosplay
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