✨I am going to explain to you the term volunteer✨ Allura by the lovely @lalionnecosplay Character played by: @matthewmercer of @criticalrole #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #alluravysorencosplay #alluravysoren #voxmachinacosplay #voxmachina #thelegendofvoxmachina #taldorei
Quite possibly my new favorite picture. #CriticalRole #criticalrolecosplay #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay
✨Master of Arcana on the Tal'Dorei Council Allura Vysoren✨ Allura by the lovely @lalionnecosplay Character played by: @matthewmercer of @criticalrole #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #alluravysorencosplay #alluravysoren #voxmachinacosplay #voxmachina
Keyleth from The Legend of Vox Machina Cosplayer : #elenyafrost (IG) Event : @DoKomi 2022 #thelegendofvoxmachina #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay #Keyleth #Keylethcosplay #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #cosplayphotography #dokomi #dokomi2022
“I’m killing someone- hold please” 📸- @shillphotos Vax’ildan belongs to @VoiceOfOBrien and @CriticalRole #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay #vaxildan #vaxildancosplay #criticalrolecosplayer
"A tree is just a door that hasn't been made yet, remember." #PercyDeRolo / #CriticalRole Cosplay by Stephthebard90 (IG) Photos by @FoodAndCosplay Taken at @MCMComicCon Birmingham 22 #criticalrolecosplay #criticalcosplay #percyderolocosplay #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay
This weekend was the birthday of DeeDee so we start this week with a picture of her as Vex'ahlia Vex'ahlia Cosplayer: DeeDee Event: @DoKomi 2022 #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay #vexahlia #vexahliacosplay #criticalrole #laurabailey #cosplay #cosplayphotography #dokomi #dokomi2022
It's Thursday Night!~🎲 So excited to share these first pics of my Vex'ahlia!! Pic: @UMBRAphoto Vex'ahlia: @criticalrole Costume made by me #criticalrolecosplay #criticalrole #vexahlia #vex #vexcosplay #vexahliacosplay #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay #critters
Don't you even Dare..... Who's excited for Critical Role tonight?! I know I am! 📷: @isababecos Edit: me Ears: @madhousefxstudio (ig) Character by @VoiceOfOBrien @CriticalRole #vaxildan #CriticalRole #criticalrolecosplay #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay #cosplay #vaxildancosplay
I am SHAMELESS when it comes to the Bird boy🖤 Can't wait for Friday's episode, I'm so stressed. Are you new to Vox Machina, or have you watched the campaign already? Are you READY? #voxmachina #legendofvoxmachina #voxmachinacosplay #criticalrolecosplay #criticalrole
You fool,Your soul is forfeit! #Percy #VoxMachina #LegendOfVoxMachina #VoxMachinacosplay @CriticalRole
“I think we’re very broken people, but I think together we are far greater than the sum of our parts.” #VoxMachina #Percy #CriticalRole #VoxMachinaCosplay #CriticalRoleCosplay
Those new episodessss! 😭💕 Photo by @legs_mccoy #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #piketrickfoot #piketrickfootcosplay #voxmachinacosplay
It's that time again, where my whole personality becomes the twins🩵🖤 Vex'ahlia @S_Gaathe Vax'ildan Me #thelegendofvoxmachina #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay #vaxildan #vaxildancosplay #vexahliacosplay #criticalrolecosplay #criticalrole
Happy Vox Machina release day!! Can't wait to go home and watch! Photo by @Dreamcherub Tunic and belt patterns from @Cospayton #lovm #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay #vexahliacosplay
I haven't posted my favorite girl lately. 📸: @karamelphotos Kima belongs to @matthewmercer for @CriticalRole #kima #ladykima #ladykimaofvord #VoxMachina #VoxMachinacosplay #CriticalRoleCosplay #criticalrole
Fighting the urge to use caps and LOSING BECAUSE LOOK Vax'ildan - @ixtran Vex'ahlia - @annabeth_wb 📷 - @senkophotography #IsItThursdayYet #CriticalRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #VoxMachina #VoxMachinaOrigins #VoxMachinaCosplay #Vaxildan #Vexhalia #Cosplay
Always the keen observer, she learned to hunt and to track, to spy, and to shoot ✨ 📸 @sightfxphotography Character by @laurabaileyvo From @critical_role ✨ Hashtags #vexhalia #vexhaliacosplay #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #cosplay #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay
Nothing but „Bad News” Me as Percy de Rolo from Vox Machina Created by @Critical_role & @executivegoth Photo by @Brinn_photo #criticalrole #voxmachina #legendofvoxmachina #cosplay #criticalrolecosplay #voxmachinacosplay #percyderolo #percyderolocosplay
Lady Vex'ahlia at the Ren Faire (a Percy cosplayer gave me a flower crown) #vexahlia #vexahliacosplay #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay #renaissancefestival #cosplay
Super stoked about @CriticalRole announcing season two of Vox Machina!! So keen to binge watch it over and over again! Bring on 2023! #voxmachina #keyleth #keylethcosplay #cosplay #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #voxmachinacosplay
First time posting on twitter so Imma start with my fav girl to cosplay Keyelth~ Photo by: @hey_monty #keyleth #keylethcosplay #VoxMachina #Criticalrole #cosplay #CriticalRoleCosplay #voxmachinacosplay
✨Long rest and level up✨ 📸: @JonathanDMullen 📺: @CriticalRole Character by @executivegoth #CriticalRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #VoxMachina #percyderolo #percyderolocosplay #VoxMachinaCosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #DungeonsAndDragons
Critical Role Keyleth Cosplayer - otterspace_cosplay #photography #cosplay #criticalrole #thelegendofvoxmachina #criticalrolecosplay #keylethoftheairashari #portrait #criticalrolekeylethcosplay #keylethoftheairasharicosplay #voxmachina #voxmachinacosplay #voxmachinakeyleth
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