Кстати, об этой игре до фотосета я даже не слышал, а выбор персонажей для косплея там очень приятный, обратите внимание) Ph: Tim·Tim Foto Md: @xenya_morph Loc: Dump_studio #tim_tim_foto #photoshoot #model #cosplay #Skullgirls #Ms.Fortune #Fortune
Disability doesn't have to mean you give up on your passions. For me, I'm glad to prove #cosplay isn't just for the #abled, it's for all. Disability may be a part of us, but it doesn't have to define us! #wheelchairlife #disability #MS #GotG #multiplesclerosis
Happy Holidays Cornpups!!! I know the perfect gift for the holidays...A Dweet in a box?!? Come hang out and partake in some holiday cheers, laughs and boosted survibin' plays with us! #DwightFairfield #cosplay #dbdcosplay #MS twitch.tv/frenchiecorn
Being in a #wheelchair needn't stop you doing what you love. Cosplaying Indiana Jones for charity last November #cosplay #disabledcosplay #MS
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