Anyone else feeling a little dead in this hazy hell scape? Laudna would be right at home though. 📸 @/yourpalrou.cos Wig @ardawigs Props by @kohalucosplay #LaudnaCosplay #laudna #CriticalRole #CritRole #CriticalRoleLaudnaCosplay #isitthursdayyet #CriticalRoleLaudna
Forgot to post this here as well 👀 Are you even ready for Swagleth? 😎 #cosplay #CriticalRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #isitthursdayyet
Book or Fire? Your spell your choice! Featuring @/synthetic_spider (IG) as Caleb Widogast from @CriticalRole Campaign Two. Character belongs to @VoiceOfOBrien. #photoshoot #cosplay #criticalrole #CRcosplay #critrole #CRC2 #DND #isitthursdayyet #mightynein #calebwidogast
"You shouldn't have killed my cat!" 📸 @helloimfran 🔥 owned by @VoiceOfOBrien #cosplay #CalebWidogast #criticalrole #criticalcosplay #calebwidogastcosplay #critter #sadhobowizard #mightyneincosplay #MightyNein #isitthursdayyet #CriticalRoleArt #frumpkin
"Go away, I'm reading" Caleb Widogast created by @VoiceOfOBrien For @CriticalRole Photo by @helloimfran #cosplay #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #calebwidogast #calebwidogastcosplay #themightynein #critter #isitthursdayyet #dnd #dndcosplay
You bet this photo gets it's own post! Featuring @KingswoodCos as Fjord Stone from the 'What If Nein' series created by @erenangiolini based on the Mighty Nein characters from Critical Role. #criticalrolecosplay #isitthursdayyet #mightynein #fjordstone #pirate #bard
💥POP POP💥 Featuring @CaligoDragon as Beauregard Lionett from @criticalrole. Character belongs to @Marisha_Ray. Shot at @MCMComicCon. #cosplayphotography #cosplayphotographer #cosplay #criticalrole #dnd #mightynein #isitthursdayyet #monk #poppop #beau #beauregardlionett
I'm not ready for the next episodes of The Legend of Vox Machina are you? Featuring @WritingReggie as Vax'ildan from Critical Role. Character design belongs to @VoiceOfOBrien. Shot at MCM London May. #cosplay #criticalrole #CRC1 #DND #isitthursdayyet #voxmachina #vax
My Little Sapphire and her friends are making an "animated series." I'm not sure what that is, but I'm so proud of her! The people on the "internet" certainly seem excited... #CriticalRoleCosplay #IsItThursdayYet
Fighting the urge to use caps and LOSING BECAUSE LOOK Vax'ildan - @ixtran Vex'ahlia - @annabeth_wb 📷 - @senkophotography #IsItThursdayYet #CriticalRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #VoxMachina #VoxMachinaOrigins #VoxMachinaCosplay #Vaxildan #Vexhalia #Cosplay
Happy Thursday everybody! Laudna is just in knots with excitement! 📸 sloan_videography Wig @ArdaWigs Props by @kohalucosplay #CRLaudnaCosplay #LaudnaCosplay #laudna #CriticalRole #CritRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #CR3 #CriticalRoleLaudnaCosplay #isitthursdayyet #CritterCosplay
Happy Halloween everyone! Wishing you all a spooky (and safe) day! 📸 @allyspock Wig @ardawigs Props by @kohalucosplay #CRLaudnaCosplay #LaudnaCosplay #laudna #CriticalRole #CritRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #CriticalRoleLaudnaCosplay #CRCampaign3 #isitthursdayyet #CritterCosplay
Is it Thursday yet? Do you miss your favorite Vox Machina Ladies? Welp here they are! We had quite a bit of fun taking these ❤️ 📸 By @beaureography #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #isitthursdayyet
Oh hey it's Thursday! Obligatory Laudna post because best girl 📸 @amiephotos Wig @ardawigs #CRLaudnaCosplay #LaudnaCosplay #laudna #CriticalRole #CritRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #MarishaRay #CR3 #CriticalRoleLaudnaCosplay #CRCampaign3 #isitthursdayyet #CritterCosplay #ardashare
What's this? More Laudna photos? THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS, I STILL HAVE MORE!! 📸 marlo.louden Wig @ardawigs Props by @kohalucospla #CRLaudnaCosplay #LaudnaCosplay #laudna #CriticalRole #CritRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #CR3 #CriticalRoleLaudnaCosplay #isitthursdayyet #CritterCosplay
On the case! 🕵🏻 Have a lil detective Jester throwback on this fine Thursday ✨ I always have the best time as this leetle bloo gorl 💙 #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #jestercosplay #isitthursdayyet
"I don't really [steal]... I just borrow for a long time." I love this chaotic Druid with all my heart 💚 First of the Fearne photos from @Maison_Hikari Fearne belongs to Ashley Johnson and @CriticalRole #CriticalRole #fearne #fearnecalloway #isitthursdayyet
Wishing you all a very spooky Friday! 📸 marlo.louden (IG) Wig @ardawigs Props @kohalucosplay #CRLaudnaCosplay #LaudnaCosplay #laudna #CriticalRole #CritRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #MarishaRay #CR3 #CriticalRoleLaudnaCosplay #CRCampaign3 #isitthursdayyet #CritterCosplay
Thinking about Tusk Love...#IsItThursdayYet 📷+editing: @BombeiiPhoto Caplet: @/wintermistadornments on insta Character created by @laurabaileyvo for @critical_role #cosplay #cosplayer #criticalrole #critrole #criticalrolecosplay #jester #jesterlavorre #jestercosplay
"Do not go far from me." Character property of @VoiceOfOBrien & @CriticalRole #isitthursdayyet #critrole #criticalrole #CriticalRoleCosplay #criticalrolefanart #criticalroleart #voxmachina #vaxildan #vaxildancosplay #vaxildanvessar #transisbeautiful #transguys #elf #elven
One of the first times I wore Caleb in public and definitely one of my favourite photos of him. 📸 @lpcphotography 🔥 Created by @VoiceOfOBrien #cosplay #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #calebwidogast #calebwidogastcosplay #themightynein #critter #isitthursdayyet #dnd
Ranger Danger 🏹🏹🏹 #Vex’ahlia cosplay from #legendsofvoxmachina @CriticalRole #criticalrole #voxmachina #criticalrolecosplay #vexahlia #cosplay #isitthursdayyet
THE ORPHANMAKER IS HERE 🗡🖤⚡️ Character created by @TheVulcanSalute @CriticalRole #yashanydoorin #yashanydoorincosplay #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #cosplay #mightynein #isitthursdayyet
Yasha of the Mighty Nein by Inevitable Betrayal… Photo from Boston Fox Pro #CriticalRole #Cosplay #CriticalRoleCosplay #TheMightyNein #TheMightyNeinCosplay #YashaNydoorin #YashaCosplay #IsItThursdayYet
Happy Thursday at last!🥺💕Missing this crew with all my heart, but I'm excited to see what the new family will look today! It'll be the start to another wonderful new adventure 🥺 #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #isitthursdayyet #MightyNein
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