Cosplay of Mage Inquisitor - Dragon Age: Inquisition. #cosplay #DragonAge #DragonAgeInquisition #fantasy #mage #inquisition #bioware
“Solas, Var lath vir suledin” 🍂 #dragonage #cosplay #inquisitorlavellan #DragonAgeInquisition
Been awhile I shared some cosplay pics, so here is Morrigan 🌿💜 Now only need to finally plan out a photoshoot for her 💜 #DragonAge #morrigan #cosplay #DragonAgeInquisition
I really like the color scheme the pictures from this shooting have. It blends so well together Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #dragonageinquisitioncosplay #lavellan #lavellancosplay #bioware #biowarecosplay #biowaregames
What I love the most on my Inquisitor Cosplay are the details. Starting by all the decorative stitching too all the small ornaments Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #dragonageinquisitioncosplay #bioware #biowarecosplay
The Vallaslin of my Inquisitor are made from tattoo foile that I printed on at home. It's an easy and affordable way to make temporary tattoos for Cosplay Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #lavellan #bioware #biowarecosplay
It's still so long till the next dragon age game is released and I'm already so excited. I'm already excited since it was announced and I'm definitely going to Cosplay from it Pic @miclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #bioware #biowarecosplay
Good memories of misfired arrows Krem: @hattedhedgehog Scout Harding: me #dragonage #dragonageinquisition #dragonagecosplay
I finally at least got a bit rest. And finally started working a little bit on Cosplays again Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #dragonageinquisitioncosplay #inquisitorlavellan #lavellan #lavellancosplay #bioware #biowarecosplay
Happy anniversary Dragon Age Inquisition! ❤️ Still one of my favourite videogames ✨ (and every time I play it I HAVE TO romance my precious Cullen) #DragonAge #DragonAgeInquisition #DragonAgeCosplay
I'm sorry that I'm so silent. I'm working on in my master thesis and the stress is unreal. Next week I hand it in an hopefully everything gets better than Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #lavellan #bioware #biowarecosplay
It’s that time of year where I repost my DA:I Isabela Multiplayer cosplay because I miss that cosplay so much and I need to fix pieces of it 🥹 1 like = 1 fact about the construction! 📸: @CHEZPHOTO #dragonage #cosplay #DragonAgeInquisition
Behind the horizon is always another rift Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #dragonageinquisitioncosplay #inquisitorlavellan #lavellan #lavellancosplay #bioware #biowarecosplay #biowaregames
Morrigan - Dragon Age Photo - @tamaralekher Assistant - @Amber_Selena @MaiorPirogok #dragonage #morrigan #dragonageinquisition #cosplay
One of my favorite places to visit in Dragon Age Inquisiton is the storm coast. I love the atmosphere there Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #dragonageinquisitioncosplay #inquisitorlavellan #lavellancosplay #bioware #biowarecosplay
The wig for this Cosplay is an absolute pain. It's heavy in the back and drags down the whole time plus it's tight. So headache is for sure Pic @miclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #lavellan #lavellancosplay #bioware #biowarecosplay #biowaregames
Commander of the Inquisition, protector of mabari #DragonAge #DragonAgeInquisition @bioware @TeamSanshee
There are more Inquisitors of mine which I want to Cosplay, human even a male Inquisitor all in different outfits. I have way too many Dragon Age Cosplay plans Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #lavellan #lavellancosplay #bioware
Making the trek to cosplay my child at the #MNRenFest this Sunday! 📚 If you see me, come say hi! 💕 Photo by eol_cos #DragonAge #DragonAgeInquisition #Mellan #lavellan #elf #dreadwolf #larp #DragonAgecosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #Solavellan
Strolling through the hinterlands and hoping do don't meet any bears Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #dragonageinquisitioncosplay #inquisitorlavellan #lavellan #lavellancosplay #bioware #biowarecosplay #biowaregames
The coat of my Inquisitor is actually quite heavy. The leather itself is not light but the main reason is of course the chainmail. Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #inquisitorlavellan #lavellan #lavellancosplay #bioware #biowaregames
I hope you have a good start in the week. My week started of stressful and will probably continue like that Pic @AkiraMiclast #cosplay #dragonage #dragonagecosplay #dragonageinquisition #dragonageinquisitioncosplay #lavellan #lavellancosplay #bioware #biowarecosplay
«The Light shall lead her safely Through the paths of this world, and into the next» Warden-Commander by me ph: Дмитрий Коротков retouch: kessedys #dragonage #dao #dragonagecosplay #cosplay #gamecosplay #dragonageorigins #dai #dragonageinquisition
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