Without fail, it's s when I can't work on cosplay the inspiration hits. Knife, holster, shoes, new dress and fix her wig is 'a that's left! #imogentemult #imogencriticalrole #imogencosplay #imogen #critter #criticalrolecosplay #criticalrolecampaign3 #bellshells #criticalrole
Sometimes meditation is hard and you need to ask for help. Caduceus is @TyrannicPrince Fjord is brotherwar_cosplay on IG #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #critter #critrole #critrolecosplay #fjord #fjordcosplay #Caduceus #Caduceusclay #cosplay #mightynein #mightyneincosplay
💀"I'm a maker of fine graves." 💀 I had the best time this weekend hanging with my Mighty Nein group at our M9 photoshoot. 📸: subject_to_status and headshots.and.hydrangeas on Insta #CriticalRoleCosplay #criticalrole #caduceusclay #critter #themightynein #cosplay
"Shine bright circus man" 🔥 Created by @voiceofobrien 📸 @helloimfran #cosplay #criticalrole #CriticalRoleCosplay #CalebWidogast #calebwidogastcosplay #mightyneincosplay #MightyNein #cosplayer #critter
"You shouldn't have killed my cat!" 📸 @helloimfran 🔥 owned by @VoiceOfOBrien #cosplay #CalebWidogast #criticalrole #criticalcosplay #calebwidogastcosplay #critter #sadhobowizard #mightyneincosplay #MightyNein #isitthursdayyet #CriticalRoleArt #frumpkin
"My name is Caleb Widogast" 🔥 Created by @VoiceOfOBrien for @CriticalRole 📸 @helloimfran #cosplay #criticalrole #CriticalRoleCosplay #CalebWidogast #calebwidogastcosplay #mightyneincosplay #MightyNein #cosplayer #critter
🔥 🐈 🔥 created by @voiceofobrien for @critical_role 📸 @helloimfran who is a truly and outstanding photographer who I can't wait to work with again! #cosplay #cosplayer #criticalrole #criticalcosplay #CalebWidogast #calebwidogastcosplay #critter #sadhobowizard
"Go away, I'm reading" Caleb Widogast created by @VoiceOfOBrien For @CriticalRole Photo by @helloimfran #cosplay #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #calebwidogast #calebwidogastcosplay #themightynein #critter #isitthursdayyet #dnd #dndcosplay
"I told you why I am afraid of fire" I am overwhelmed with how amazing this picture and the rest from this set is, Fran you are a true wizard! 🔥 Created by @VoiceOfOBrien 📸 @helloimfran #cosplay #criticalrole #CriticalRoleCosplay #CalebWidogast #MightyNein #critter
I have alot to say about my new love, critical role. Here is my Keyleth cosplay, FINALLY. She's my fav of C1, they all are really. More Critter cosplays soon! Promise. #criticalrole #tlovm #voxmachina #keyleth #keylethcosplay #cosplay #dnd #critter
"She never walked...she floated."-unknown- #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #cosplayersoftwitter #cr #crc3 #critter #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #criticalrolecampaign3 #criticalrolecampaign3cosplay #imogen #imogencosplay #imogentemult #imogentemultcosplay
I think yasha might be one of my favorite characters to cosplay!! Photo by @tdimagery Based off @CriticalRole #CriticalRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #themightynein #yasha #yashacosplay #critter #criticalrolefanart
Spooky lady chillin' with the boi! Orym cosplayed by @GoldstoneSews I am trash and have forgotten who took the photo. #CriticalRoleCosplay #criticalrole #OrymCosplay #LaudnaCosplay #Orym #AirAshari #Laudna #BellsHells #criticalrolecampaign3 #critter #Cosplay #cosplayer
It's Monday, y'all, have some Beau to greet the new week. Photo by @starlightdream #cosplay #cosplayer #mightyneincosplay #CriticalRoleCosplay #CriticalRole #beau #beaucosplay #beauregardcosplay #beauregardlionett #mightynein #critter
"The only thing I’ve ever found that brings closure is when everyone’s finally in the ground." Caduceus Clay was created @executivegoth for @CriticalRole 📸: @cosplaybypedro #CriticalRole #criticalrolecosplay #CriticalRoleArt #critter #DnD #dndcosplay #DnDcharacter #cosplay
It's been three years since this picture was taken and I almost died on the smoke... Worth it though #CalebWidogast #criticalrole #CriticalRoleCosplay #cosplay #calebwidogastcosplay #critter #dnd
Imogen is a anxious baby, such as we are all <3 Thanks @LauraBaileyVO for this amazing character ! Can't wait to make a beautiful photoshoot with my Laudna <3 #criticalrolefanart #criticalrole #critter @CriticalRole
I call this pose "I haven't shot Caleb in years. Panicked. Did a Spider-Man pose 🤣" 📸 By @FoodAndCosplay Taken at #mcmbirmingham #cosplay #CriticalRole #CriticalRoleCosplay #CalebWidogast #calebwidogastcosplay #critter #dnd #calebcosplay #mightyneincosplay #MightyNein
"I'm a dirty hobo and I reek of yesterday's garbage." 📸 @FoodAndCosplay 🔥 Created by @VoiceOfOBrien For @CriticalRole #cosplay #criticalrole #criticalrolecosplay #calebwidogast #calebwidogastcosplay #critter #critters #sadhobowizard
🎁7th day of CritMas my true love gave to me:🎁 A shopping trip with Imogen🩷 📸 @S_Gaathe Edit and cosplay Me #critmas #imogentemult #criticalrolecampaign3 #imogencosplay #Yule #cosplay #cosplaycalendar #critter #criticalrolecosplay #criticalrole
🦌4th day of Critmas my true love gave to me:🦌 A sorceress lost in a starry street💖 📸 @S_Gaathe Cosplay and edit Me #imogentemult #imogencosplay #criticalrolecampaign3 #critmas #critter #yulecalendar #cosplaycalendar #imogentemultcosplay
✨️2nd day of Yule my true love gave to me:✨️ A Vax'ildan stealing Santa's red throne❤️🔥 📸 @S_Gaathe Cosplay and edit Me #critmas #criticalrole #vaxildancosplay #vaxildan #CriticalRolecosplay #critter
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