"Rapture is a body... I am it's voice..." --- Beautiful shot by @axelclergeau (insta) during @ECG_cosplay finals, thank you so much! --- #cosplay #bigsister #bigsistercosplay #drlamb #sofialamb #bioshock #bioshock2 #rapture #ecg2023
Horny Mirror 😏 I`m so in LOVE with this lingerie, it`s perfect for Liz 😍 #cosplay #bioshock #bioshockinfinite #elizabethcosplay #burialatsea #elizabethbioshock
“They’ll underestimate you, Elizabeth. People always do.” Gotta get a new wig bc this one was sacrificed for Kathy but I would LOVE to wear my beaten up Liz cosplay again this year, SecretCon im Looking At You 👀 📸: @FoodAndCosplay #BioShock #BioShockCosplay #ElizabethComstock
"I can smell the ADAM on this one." Little Sister / Bioshock Cosplay by @LPayton19 Photos by @FoodAndCosplay Taken at @MCMComicCon Birmingham 22 #cosplay #mcmcomiccon #Bioshock #bioshockcosplay #littlesistercosplay #littlesister #bioshocklittlesister
"I'm not going to let you kill him." Booker DeWitt / Bioshock Cosplay by @aCatCalledNeko Photos by @FoodAndCosplay Taken at @MCMComicCon Birmingham 22 #cosplay #Bioshock #bioshockcosplay #bioshockinfinite #bioshockinfinitecosplay #bookerdewitt #bookerdewittcosplay
The cosplayer ➡️ the character Big sister from @bioshock by @2K @2KNederland Photo by @Valentinpicture #cosplayervscharacter #bioshock twitter.com/maryelefay/sta…
Would you kindly to help me with some important things? ✨ #cosplay #bioshock #bioshockinfinite #elizabethcosplay #burialatsea #elizabethbioshock
"This might hurt a little... but your pain will be Raputres glory!" Cita as Dr Sofia Lamb from Bioshock 2 during the ECG prelim at @animuc_de 📸 linktr.ee/abthediablo --- #animuc2023 #animuc #cosplay #ecg #bioshock #bioshock2 #drlamb #sofialamb #littlesister #bigsister
«You can call me Elizabeth» 💙 #cosplay #bioshock #bioshockinfinite #elizabethcosplay #burialatsea
"Have you been a good girl?... Of course you have!" Cita as Dr Sofia Lamb from Bioshock 2 during the ECG prelim at @animuc_de 📸 linktr.ee/abthediablo --- #animuc2023 #animuc #cosplay #ecg #bioshock #bioshock2 #drlamb #sofialamb #bigsister
"Little Sister transformation process, day 58..." Cita as Dr Sofia Lamb from Bioshock 2 during the ECG prelim at @animuc_de 📸 @abfotography linktr.ee/abthediablo --- #animuc2023 #animuc #cosplay #ecg #bioshock #bioshock2 #drlamb #sofialamb #littlesister #bigsister
"Fly little moth! Fly!" Sander Cohen / BioShock Cosplay by @Callannari Photos by @FoodAndCosplay Taken at @MCMComicCon Birmingham 22 #cosplay #bioshock #bioshockcosplay #sandercohen #sandercohencosplay #videogamecosplay
"Time... Time rots everything. Even hope." #ElizabethComstock / #Bioshock #Cosplay by @kirkwallcosplay Photos by @FoodAndCosplay Taken at @MCMComicCon Birmingham 2022 #elizabethcomstockcosplay #bioshockcosplay #bioshockinfinite #bioshockinfinitecosplay
A bird or a cage? My Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite cosplay 💗 #cosplay #BioShock #BioshockInfinite
The Devil's Kiss.. 😈 Booker DeWitt - @bioshock Infinite ❤️ PH: @DCPhotocosplay #BioshockInfinite #BookerDeWitt #BioShock #videogames #cosplay
"Where are you going? You know that I could outrun you underwater." 📸 Made by tanoukichan Location historischerjahrmarkt #bioshock2 #bioshock #bioshockcosplay #elenorlamb #cosplay #crafting #halloween #bigsister #bigsisterbioshock #backtorapture #rapture #backtorapture
"What's that, Father? Teach them about fire? Well, if you insist." I have Finaly some new Eleanor Lamb Photos x3 #bioshock2 #bioshock #bioshockcosplay #elenorlamb #cosplay #crafting #bigsister #bigsisterbioshock #backtorapture #rapture #backtorapture #armorcosplay
“Lives, lived, will live. Dies, died, will die.” I’m so glad I took a chance on wearing Elizabeth again, weathering it gave one of my favourite costumes a new lease of life 🥰 also how cool is this shot, we do stan the NEC spoons 📸: @FoodAndCosplay #BioShock #BioShockCosplay
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