35 109 " Waiting by the bar. " ___________________________ Sorry if the martini is wrong, i was in a hurry- [ TAGS ;; #VTSOM #VincentTheSecretOfMyers #VictorBlake #VTSOMFanart ] 22/07/17 19:43
" Waiting by the bar. " ___________________________ Sorry if the martini is wrong, i was in a hurry- [ TAGS ;; #VTSOM #VincentTheSecretOfMyers #VictorBlake #VTSOMFanart ]
67 181 CW: BLOOD I did a rough flat color for the sketch from before. Caught ourselves a big one this time!!!! #VTSOM #VincentTheSecretOfMyers #dinoverse #vincentedgeworth #vtsomFANART 22/02/05 15:35
CW: BLOOD I did a rough flat color for the sketch from before. Caught ourselves a big one this time!!!! #VTSOM #VincentTheSecretOfMyers #dinoverse #vincentedgeworth #vtsomFANART
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