I wanted to say thanks to my staff for Vesper Birthday via art! It was an absolute honor to work with such talented and hardworking people, and just be a part of such a monumental project! Anyways, thank you all 47 Staff Vesties!! UEUEUEUEUE 🖤 #Vestfriends #VespART #Vespernoir
he's just a little guy... (blank ver for wallpapers, etc, in replies!!) #VespART #Noirgrounds #vespernoir
The Vestie in charge of Twitter made an oopsie and forgot to post for the last day for fun facts! 😱 So we're extending the deadline to 2/7, 10:00 PM CST! 💌docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… #VesperNoir #VespART #vestfriends #holotempus
Tell Vesper more about yourself by submitting a Vestie Fun Fact to the last small birthday project! Closing in 5 days so submit soon🖤 💌docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… #VesperNoir #VespART #vestfriends #holotempus
Today is the LAST day to get your birthday wish and/or art in for the Vesper Noir Guest Book gift! 今日はノワール・ヴェスパーのゲストブックのために、誕生日のメッセージとアートを投稿する締め切りです! 💌forms.gle/MSsoysGQdmr8wm… #VesperNoir #VespART #vestfriends #holotempus
Under one week until the Guest Book closes! Send in your birthday wishes, love and art for Vesper!! 📅 Closes Jan 30, 11:59 pm CST 💌docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI… #vespernoir #VespART #vestfriends #vespernoir #holotempus
Vesties! 🦇 Final Stretch!! The final Vesper birthday gift is a Bulletin Board of Vestie Fun Facts! He wants to learn about us, so let's deliver! It's easy & short, send a (140 character) fun fact about yourself! ✉️forms.gle/Cm3FZVMbfZPvMM… #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
The Guild Hall sure is noisy today! What's that? New recruits to #holoTEMPUS?! New Guild Cards coming soon!? Let's build a Guild Card for the Vesties too! All info will be used for the Powerpoint Presentation! 📜🖋️ - tinyurl.com/3vezkbch #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
Happy New Year!! 🎉🎊📗 Today is the last day for applying to the Teacup Catalog! This is the last art-centric gift project open for the (new) year so don't miss out! More info & app here! vespernoirbday2023.carrd.co #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
Happy New Year to Vesties on one side of the world! Don't forget, today is the LAST DAY to apply to be in the Adventure Scrapbook Birthday Project!! Photos, art, writing, all are accepted for this!! More info & app here! vespernoirbday2023.carrd.co #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
We're now accepting birthday wishes and art for Vespers birthday! Open to anyone 💜 Please spread the word so we can spoil Nowa-Oji with love!! 📅 Closes Jan 30, 11:59 pm CST forms.gle/WkHVyyUKssVDwD… #vespernoir #VespART #vestfriends
Another important reminder! ❗️❗️❗️ Applications to take part in the Teacup Catalog Gift close in ONE WEEK! RT to help us spread the word!! 🖤🦇📗 More info here! vespernoirbday2023.carrd.co #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
Vesties! ❗️❗️❗️ Only 6 days left to apply to take part in the Adventure Scrapbook for Vesper's birthday! RT to spread the word!! 🖤🦇📗 More info here! vespernoirbday2023.carrd.co #VespART #Vesfriends #VesperNoir
Greetings Vesties! Here are the cutouts for the Adventure Scrapbook project! Feel free to print and cut out them out to use in your pictures or edit them in~ (solo png + gdrive link in the next tweet) [1/3] #VespART #vesfriends #VesperNoir
Additionally, we'll also be pushing back the application deadline for the Adventure Scrapbook - the NEW date will be December 31, 2022, same time! If you have any questions, do head down to our Discord server discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get #VespArt #vespernoir twitter.com/VesperBDayProj…
Welcome back Vesper!!!🖤📗 Let's plan to shower him with even more love for his birthday with the various projects we have in the works! For more information, please join the server below! #vespart #Vesfriends #vespernoir discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get
Calling Vestie Artists! We're hosting a Teacup Catalog where you can design a teacup for Vesper! We have pre-made cups you can decorate too!🖤 Optionally, full illustrations are also welcome! Join us and learn more at discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get #vespart #Vesfriends #vespernoir
Greetings Vesties! The PowerPoint Team is recruiting! Do you like Nowa-Oji like, A LOT and know everything about him? Enjoy organization, data, graphs, etc?? This is the project for you! Join us in the discord! discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get #vespart #Vesfriends #vespernoir
Vesties! We're looking for two different cover artists for our two fan-book projects, the Adventure Scrapbook and Teacup Catalog! Join the Discord server and reach out to the project heads! discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get Deadline is Nov 13, 11:59 PT! #vespart #Vesfriends #vespernoir
Calling all Vesties! Preparation for Vesper's birthday has begun over on the Tempus Project server! Find out more Birthday project information here! discord.gg/CQCR2Q9get #vespart #Vesfriends #vespernoir
I don't think I'll finish this anytime soon so I might as well just post it now. #VespART #vespernoir #holostars #holostarstempus #wip #art #fanart
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