42 189 Quite a variable day here in Kent the sunshine is intermittent Great day for a calming walk in the environment and quiet reflection #lake #reflection #trees #Kent #Water #riverside #shrubs #sundayvibes #lakeside #green #lovewalking #walk 23/07/02 20:08
Quite a variable day here in Kent the sunshine is intermittent Great day for a calming walk in the environment and quiet reflection #lake #reflection #trees #Kent #Water #riverside #shrubs #sundayvibes #lakeside #green #lovewalking #walk
1 19 ...and the finished work with bright #summer colors. Lakeside shade. #naturelover #comforting #watercolor #art #watercolour #painting #lakeside 23/06/25 13:53
...and the finished work with bright #summer colors. Lakeside shade. #naturelover #comforting #watercolor #art #watercolour #painting #lakeside
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