#Inktober Day Eighteen: Scrape “Don’t be afraid to scrape the paint off and do it again. This is the way you learn, trial and error, over and over, repetition. It pays you great dividends, great, great dividends.” -Bob Ross #Inktober2022 #InktoberDay18 #Scrape #BobRoss
Inktober for yesterday. Not sure what to do for today. #bobross #inktober #inktober2022 #inktoberday10 #artwork
So I did a #BobRoss tutorial in @Procreate and this was the result. #Procreate #digitalart #digitalpainting #art #artworkอซทซ #artistsontwitter #artistvsart2021 #Scenery #landscape #painting #painter #artvsartist2021
Inktober jour 21. Fuzzy / Frisottant . #Inktober #inktober2021 #sketch #dessin #illustration #fuzzy #bobross #painting #happyaccidents #artwork #art
Inktober 20: Sprout Tree Bob grew from a sprout into a great artist... he never let negativity get in his way. Be like Bob. #DailyDoodle #BobRoss #Inktober #Inktober2021
Day 18: Artist @Uri_V_Art #Gobtober #Gobtober2021 #Gobtober2021day18 #inktober #inktober2021 #BobRoss before you say anything...there are happy little trees
Day 11! More painting with Bob, but this time I added a bit extra by painting a happy little tiefling! Aradani chilling in the forest! (I swear she wears clothes) #Drawtober #Drawlloween #Inktober #DnD #BobRoss
Day 10! I wanted to see if I could translate the Bob Ross method of painting into a digital medium, here are my results! xD It was a lot of fun painting along! #Inktober #Drawlloween #Drawtober #BobRoss #HappyLittleTrees
I’ve been watching way too many #truecrime docs while working on #Inktober . Still, what if…? 🤔 #truecrimecommunity #BobRoss #inktober2021
Woke up late again, work is killing me. New drawing tomorrow, I promise. For #inktober2021day6, I give you #BobRoss. #inktober2021
Another Day, Another Piece from the series going up at @colonialbeachbrewing - Alll art is for sale/prints!! 🧽🍍🎃🧼✨🍔⭐️🚀🐿🐌🌊🦀🎨✨ - #caraabellla #caraabelllacreations #local #art #spongebob #doodlebob #bobross #artistsoninstagram #fxbg #inktober #spookyseason
Another little guy from the series going up at @colonialbeachbrewing - Alll art is for sale/prints!! 🧽🍍🎃🧼✨🍔⭐️🚀🐿🐌🌊🦀🎨✨ - #caraabellla #caraabelllacreations #local #art #spongebob #doodlebob #bobross #artistsoninstagram #fxbg #inktober #spookyseason
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