早くも配信始まってる『ザ・フラッシュ』はキートンバッツの良さを再認識できますね。 このシーンでのアドレナリン駄々洩れな表情が堪らん #BATMAN #TheFlashMovie📷 #TheFlash📷 #今月描いた絵を晒そう
#TheFlashMovie #Supergirl #ザフラッシュ 既存のスーパーガールのイメージを180度変えたサッシャ・カジェのスーパーガールを! 再演熱望なので3バージョンあるらしいエンディングの1バージョン目。車から降り立つキートン&カジェが観てみたかった!
오늘의 그림! 이번 영화 '더 플래시'의 슈퍼걸=카라 조엘을 그려보았습니다! 영화보면서 '아 슈퍼걸은 팬아트 그려야겠다!' 생각뿐이었는데 그 정도로 인상적인 캐릭터였습니다!! 😍😍😍😍 #TheFlashMovie #Supergirl
Let’s get nuts. #theflash #thebatman #supergirl #benaffleck #michaelkeaton #ezramiller #sashacalle #TheFlashMovie
New tribute poster I created for #TheFlash! Can’t wait for your guys to see it because I LOVED it ⚡️ #TheFlashMovie
They messed around and are about to find out what Supergirl is about. #TheFlashMovie #Supergirl #dccomics
The Flash: The fastest man alive #1 comes out this month! I draw Issue #2 and is a Dope issue! By @KenBlakePorter and myself. #theflashmovie
I'm halfway through coloring my 38 pages of The Flash:The fastest Man Alive #2! #theflashmovie #dccomics
Started coloring this Page from The Flash: the fastest man alive #2. from @DCComics precuel of the #TheFlashMovie written by @KenBlakePorter
I finished all the pencils for The Flash:the fastest man alive #2! here is a page from it. remmember to roder your copy, on sale this May. #theflashmovie #dccomics
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