#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 30 - Anthem Exalted Echo Last sword for Swordtember 2022, a legendary sword that turns a song into a powerful holy weapon~! Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 29 - Midas Aurelian Avarice A sword with a stolen right arm of Count Auros that is still plagued with his Gilded Touch curse. Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 28 - Shear Clockwise Cutter the design is based on Ouro Kronii character design since the clock and time theme match so well, so technically... #kronillust (?) Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 27 - Enlightenment Enlightened Edge A sword bestowed by The Lore Mistress of The Enlightened Hall. Allowing the user to ask for knowledge and create a blade based on what they learned. Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
#swordtember2022 / #inktober2022 Day 28 -Asymmetrical With 2B and A2 from Nier:Automata ⚔️ #NieR #NieRAutomata #ニーアオートマタ
#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 26 - Iridescent Swaying Shimmers Bubble sword~~ when popped, the bubble creates a small shockwave that's strong enough to change the trajectory of an arrow. Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 25 - Berserker Frahagils Fang A cursed sword made of the fang of Frahagil, The Immortal Juggernaut, that can turn the wielder into a rampaging abomination. Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 24 - Cemetery Sacramental Sarcophagus An item wielded by the Gravekeeper of The Serene Soil that grand its wielder the ability to purify corrupted and lost souls. Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
Day 30 - Guardian Like a guard dog but its a sword #swordtember #swordtember2022 #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
Day 28 - Fuzzy baby's first sword. Complete with squeaker #swordtember #swordtember2022 #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
Day 27 - Volcanic getting close to finally getting through all of these prompts... #swordtember #swordtember2022 #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 23 - Liberty Gliding Gale A sword that makes you as light as a feather and allows you to ride and control the wind~ Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 22 - Havoc Calamity Counter One of several artifacts found within the tomb of the One-Eyed Tyrant that use wild magic to trigger natural disaster. Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
Day 26 - Monster my other idea was the energy drink #swordtember #swordtember2022 #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
Day 25 - Noodle wiggly-wavy-noodle-blade-sword! #swordtember #swordtember2022 #dnd #dungeonsanddragond
#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 21 - Decay Rattling Rot A cursed sword that was created by using a single snake that survives after being confined inside a closed pit filled with 1000 snakes for years. Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
Day 24 - Morbid I suppose this fits with our current season of spooks and horror I didn't want to make it look too gross, but just in case cw: blood bone and macabre #swordtember #swordtember2022 #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
#swordtember #swordtember2022 Day 20 - Bee Arthropod Armaments Six Stingers I guess this kinda matches with the previous flower theme sword XD Hi-Res images and Stats are available on my Patreon
Day 23 - Iconic Look, I didn't know what to do with "Iconic" so lets just say you stick an icon (or symbol/brand) on a creature...that's it. that's all I got #swordtember2022 #swordtember #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
Day 22 - Nordic Alright I really didn't know what to do for this one so here's my own version of the weapon Norse myth Dainsleif. Legend said it *must* kill someone when drawn, so be sure to get that killing in quick #swordtember #swordtember2022 #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
Day 21 - Musical *battle BGM starts* #swordtember2022 #swordtember #dnd #dungeonsanddragons
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