Been seeing some really great variants on the newly revised chunky dunk, the short body Dunkleosteus. One of my favorite animals. Wanted to try out a quick version of some kind of alien vampire squid thing. Cephalopod beak from hell. #sundayfishsketch #paleoart #Dunkleosteus
Quick sketch of Tujiaaspis vividus, a jawless fish from the Silurian of China, with the first rudiment of paired fins. #SundayFishSketch #paleoart #fish
For this last #SundayFishSketch x #Inktober prompt of "gear" I picked Naso unicornis, the bluespined unicornfish. These surgeonfish have head gear and self-defense gear—with twin sharp blades on each side of their caudal peduncle, and the less-clear-in-function head horn.
My take on #inktober prompt featuring an artist's #gear. My almost complete Athabasca rainbow trout. #SundayFishSketch
#SundayFishSketch mashup with the #Inktober day 30 prompt of”Gear” got me thinking of all the equipment I use to pursue fish, especially the intricate tools of fly-fishing. Here, a colorized Pen & Ink drawing of a Rainbow Trout eyes a artificial wet fly. @inktober #Inktober2022
A Opah drawing for today's #SundayFishSketch anniversary. It didn’t fit today’s #Inktober prompt, but it being pen and ink technique, I think it qualifies. Thanks @Lampichthys for this space for artists, scientists, & my inner nature lover.
I’m late for #sciartober, #inktober and #sundayfishsketch but I’m not quitting! Pelican eel for FISH & FOWL themes. One day I’ll catch up #sciart #illustraink #cantstopwontstop
For #inktoberday16 and #SundayFishSketch , Piliko’a (Arc-eye Hawkfish) are named after raptors for their habit of perching on exposed rocks and coral heads to locate prey. #inktober2022 #inktober #SciComm #sciart #BirdsVsFish
The visually fantastic but widely invasive Lionfish, also known as Turkeyfish due to its flamboyant, fanning fins and venomous spines. #SundayFishSketch and #inktober crossover theme, “fowl”. #sciartober #illustraInk #sciart; fish prompt
Parrotfish share the bright colors and bird-like beaks of their avian namesakes, but luckily that's where the "fowl" similarities end #BirdsVsFish #SundayFishSketch #Inktober
For today's #SundayFishSketch x #Inktober them of "fowl" I thought of that whimsical creature, the bird wrasse, known in Hawai`i as hinalea `i`iwi. Bird wrasses are female-to-male sequential hermaphrodites, and this is the juvenile/female color pattern.
#inktober Day 16 and #SundayFishSketch theme collaboration on the word prompt “Fowl” made me think about the Belted Kingfisher. Love to see them aerial fishing the shorelines when I’m out casting a line. @inktober #Inktober2022
Siamese Fighting Fish. A super colorful fish, but for #Inktober prompt of “nest”, this bubble nest builder will get a strong graphic feel of black & white pen & ink. Also for the #SundayFishSketch @inktober
#SundayFishSketch & #inktober2022 day 9: NEST. Betta fish and their bubble nest! #sciart #inktoberday9 #procreate
For the #SundayFishSketch + #Inktober2022 "nest" theme, a seasonally-appropriate pumpkinseed 🎃 In spring and early summer, males make nests in shallow water by sweeping out oval-shaped holes in the sand/gravel and aggressively defend them against intruders.
For his 'nest' theme for today's #SundayFishSketch / #inktober2022 crossover, E (7) drew nesting Icefish. Huge communities of these nests have been found in the Antarctic. Huge here is 240-square-kilometres-of-seafloor huge. #SciArt
Male three-spined sticklebacks build nests early in nesting season. The structure is supported with a sticky solution generated by the male’s kidneys. #SundayFishSketch #Sciart #inktober2022 theme #nest
And another 2-in-1 submission for #SundayFishSketch and #inktober2022 with a Betta splendens, the ultimate bubble nest builder.
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